About me

I am a 26-year-old man currently living in Stavanger, working within the field of data.

In December 2023, I finished my master’s degree in Applied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Tromsø. During my master’s, I specialized in statistics and machine learning, and I also took extra credits in various programming courses. Initially, my passion for physics and mathematics led me to study to become a high school teacher. However, in my third year, I took a course in pattern recognition and was completely blown away. This led me to change my degree, a decision I don’t regret for a second.

My interest in teaching still runs deep, and I believe my years studying to become a teacher have taught me essential soft skills that are incredibly helpful when working as a developer. While my focus shifted towards machine learning, my passion for physics and mathematics remains unwavering. My background in these disciplines has equipped me with a wide set of tools, such as problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.

Outside of my professional pursuits, I fill my time with a variety of hobbies. Listed below are some of my favorite activities at the moment. Sadly, as I have relocated to Stavanger, I no longer have the same easy access to backcountry skiing as I did in Tromsø.

I am imageless


Cooking has become an invaluable skill that I embarked upon before venturing out on my own, and they have since blossomed into a genuine passion. There is something incredibly gratifying about creating delicious dishes and tempting treats from scratch. From experimenting with flavors and ingredients to honing my culinary techniques, the kitchen has become a place for relaxation. Whether it’s the comforting aromas that fill the air or the joy of sharing a home-cooked meal with loved ones, cooking and baking provide me with a sense of fulfillment and connection. It is an art that allows me to express myself, explore new culinary horizons, and create memorable experiences through the simple act of preparing food.

I am imageless


Sports climbing and bouldering makes for some of my favorite workouts. The blend of strength, agility, and problem-solving required in these disciplines exhilarates me. Through sports climbing’s awe-inspiring heights and technicality, and bouldering’s intricate sequences and explosive power, I find solace in the challenges and rewards of these dynamic pursuits. They teach me resilience, fortitude, and the importance of pushing boundaries, both on and off the wall.

I am imageless


Sea kayaking has become a true passion of mine, providing both a sense of exploration and an opportunity for playful adventures on the waves. With a solid foundation in technique (BCU-3 star), I am constantly drawn to the vastness of the sea, eager to discover more of our pristine marine environments. The peaceful serenity of gliding through calm waters contrasts beautifully with the exhilaration of riding waves and mastering the dynamic forces of the ocean. As I continue to develop my skills, my ultimate aspiration is to become an activity leader, sharing my love for sea kayaking with others and guiding them to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of our coastal landscapes.

I am imageless


Backcountry skiing, surprisingly, emerged for me after three years of living in Tromsø. While it wasn’t initially on my radar, the allure of venturing off the beaten path and immersing myself in the tranquility of the backcountry finally won me over. While backcountry skiing may not be one of my main hobbies, it has become a cherished escape, allowing me to embrace the raw beauty of nature and indulge in thrilling descents that keep me coming back for more.