Notes/life/2023 Recap

2023 is over, let us look at the year in review. At the start of the year I set a couple of goals for myself, let’s review:

  1. Finish my master in applied physics!

    As the autumn semester is one month shorter, I definetly felt the time crunch. However, I’m proud to say that my thesis was handed in and accepted now in january!

  2. Improve my sleep routine

    My sleep routine has definetly improved over the year, especcially during the autumn semester. I hope to keep this improvement as I start in my new post graduate job.

  3. Become an activity leader in the norwegian sea kayaking foundation

    I did not manage to become an activity leader. Only one course were held, and I simply did not have the time to attend. This goal remains for 2024.

  4. Become proficient in a new programming language

    I ambitously started learning Julia at the start of the 2024. I have learnt the basic of Julia, however I would not say that I am proeficcient in the language at this time.