Notes/life/On Working

Transitioning from academia to the industry felt like a big change. Many concepts that I have been familiar was wrapped into new technologies such as Azure, and Databricks. These new technologies made the transition feel quite overhelming at first, the learning curve was steep, but just like with university the knowledge comes with time.

now that I’ve been working for a while, I have made some reflections on what I am most happy for having learnt before leaving academia.


Tools and formats

However, most important of all is the focus on learning programming paradigms over brute-force learning of more languages. Many programming languages are ment to be programmed in similar ways with they’re own set of tradeoffs and advantages. Focus on learning the bigger concepts rather than just grinding languages. I have found that through learning the paradigms, it is easier to adapt to a new language through pages such as learnXinYminutes.