Notes/life/Summer recap

With the summer over it is time for a recap to look at how I did with the goals I set prior to the summer!


Machine learning Working with the UiT machine learning group was a good experience for me, testing my abilities to work with real world multimodal temporal data. As any experienced Data scientist would say “Real data is messy!”, this I got to experience first hand. The available data was filled with missing data and unaligned timestamps. In addition the API to retrieve the data was severly lacking in documentation.

During my time with the project I managed to create a pipeline to retrieve, align and clean the data, as well as creating a dynamic map showing which stations has available time-series, as well as it’s quality.


Besides the machine learning internship, I worked on the webpage for the students sports club, pushing a major update from dev to live. This update allows for each subgroup to edit their own pages as well as tidying up the visuals. In addition the update restructured some of the core structure making the page easier to maintain in the long term.

After hours

I did manage to find time for my kayak trip around the Tromsø island! The weather was amazing with uninterupted sun during the entire trip.